Health promotion تعزيز الصحة
• Health promotion: a process enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health.
• Health education: giving information and working towards improving individual attitude and behavior changes to sustain healthy living.
Pharmacist role in health promotion :-
1- provide information and skills to individuals so that they can prevent specific diseases.
2- participate in services for early detection and treatment of disease.
The process involves a behavioral change approach such as in advising individuals on the importance of preventing and managing obesity.
Health promotion activities from community pharmacies include :-
1- the organization of themeoriented weeks where patrons are advised on the theme .
2- written and other visual aids are available in the pharmacy for further information and for shop window dressing .
Themes of health promotion in community pharmacies
1- Smoking cessation programmes.
2- Diet , exercise and body weight.
3- Cardiovascular disease risk factors and prevention.
4- Sun exposure.
5- Travel medicine.
6- Patient concordance توافق with treatment
7- Immunization programmes
8- Sexual health.
9- Screening tests.
10- Alcohol and drug abuse.
Requirements of Information transmitted:-
1- The information presented should be educational but at the same time acceptable to busy patrons.
2- An entertainingترفيهي presentationعرض تقديمي helps to makeتقديم the information attractive and prompts المحفزة the individual to take notice of the message being transmitted .
3- The impact of the information transmitted depends on the methods used to convey توصيلthe information.
4- The information presented has to be understandable by the individual.
5- Pharmacists are in a position of interpreting scientific information so as to convey the message to the individuals in an understandable manner.
Factors influencing health promotion activities in community pharmacies
Positive factors
1- Environment within the pharmacy conduciveباعث على to health promotion
2- Accessibility of the pharmacy .
3- Communication skills of community pharmacist
4- Strong pharmacist–patient relationship.
Negative factors
1- Lack of resource materials.
2- Lack of space.
3- Lack of confidentiality.
4- Improper time management of the pharmacy personnel.
Planning a health promotion campaign
1- Identify area(s) to be addressed
2- Establish targets to be achieved
3- Identify resources that can be used and are already available
4- Develop a practical and realistic الواقعية implementation programme
5- Establish evaluation methods
6- Set an action plan.
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