اعلان واحد

Analytical Chemistry Introduction , Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Applications

What is Analytical Chemistry?

Analytical chemistry is concerned with the chemical determination of matter.


An analysis of a sample to find the identity, or/and quantity of the analyte

Sample is a small portion of matter which be subjected to analysis.

The sample consist of analyte and matrix

الكيمياء التحليلية

Analyte:  The component to be determined in a sample.

Matrix All other components in a sample except  the analyte.

The sample must be representative

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis

The identification or detection of materials (elements, ions or compounds) in a sample


       What is the identity of the substance in the sample?

For example, What chemical species are present in a given drug


       Does the sample contain substance X?

For example, Is there any lead (Pb) in this sample ?  

Many problems in analytical chemistry begin with qualitative analysis, like:

-      The chemical tests to identify inorganic ions.

-      The chemical tests to identify organic functional groups.

-      Identifying the products of a chemical reaction.

Quantitative Analysis

Determination of the quantity (amount) of material.

How much of one or more components are present in a sample?

 How much of substance X is in the sample?

e.g.  (How much lead is in this sample?),

Perhaps the most common analytical problem is a quantitative analysis. Examples of typical quantitative analyses include:

- The elemental analysis of a newly produced compound,

- Measuring the concentration of glucose in blood.

- Determining the concentrations of Cr in steel.

Much of the analytical work in clini­cal, pharmaceutical, environmental, and industrial labs involves quantitative analysis like determining the trace amounts of chemical species in samples.


For each of the following problems indicate whether its solution re­quires a qualitative analysis, or a quantitative analysis.

Both analysis may be appropriate for some problems.

(a) A waste disposal site is believed to be leaking contami­nants  

      into the local groundwater.

(b) A pharmacist is concerned that a recent drug is a forgery.

(c) Airport security determines the presence of explosive materials   

      in luggage.

(d) Screening an athlete’s urine for the presence of a performance-enhancing drug,.

(e) A new law requires knowing whether automobiles are emitting  

      too much carbon monoxide.

(f) Determining the air­borne lead Pb.


Analytical chemistry has several important applications in almost all fields of science (medicine, pharmacy, environment, quality control, ….etc.)

Examples of Applications

         The concentrations of oxygen O2, carbon dioxide CO2, glucose C6H12O6, ionized cal­cium Ca++, …etc. are determined in millions of blood samples every day and used to diag­nose and treat diseases.

         The measurement of quantities of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides NOx, and carbon monoxide CO in automobile exhaust.

         Determination of active ingredient and other components in pharmaceutical preparations.

          Analysis of artificial products during their production to achieve a desired properties.

         Determination the amount of pollutants in food (e.g. mercury in fish). 

Analytical Chemistry The Chemical Analysis Treatment of analytical data Chemical Calculations

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. When 2grams of Na2CO3 was dissolved in water to form 150ml of solution calculate the concentration of this solution with expressing weight percent W/W%,?i
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