Practical Pharmacognosy Starch
Plants containing starch
Cereal seeds contain 50- 65 % starch
Ginger rhizomes 50% starch
Potato tubers 80- 90% starch
Commercial sources of starch
1Corn starch: isolated from the caryopses of
mays L. –
2Rice starch: isolated from the caryopses of
sativa L. –
3Potato starch: isolated from the tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. –
Properties of Starch
1White mass powder, odorless with starchy taste
2Insoluble in water and form colloidal solution with water
3Starch + I2 → Deep blue color
4Starch + NaOH or chloral hydrate → gelatinization
5Starch + H2O → gel ( with heat)
6Corn starch and wheat starch have neutral pH
starch has slightly alkaline pH Potato starch has slightly acidic pH
Identification tests for starch
1Starch + H2O → gel (jelly form) with heat
2Starch + I2→ deep blue → colour disappears (with heating) → the
colour reappears with cooling
The general uses
3Pharmaceutical uses as tablets filler and binder
4Antipruritic: Baby paste®- (Vitamed company) used in case of diaper rash, skin
irritation (ZnO, Starch)
5Industrial uses: papers, clothes
6. Antidote in case of poisoning from Iodine
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